Wednesday Nights are returning! Join us each Wednesday Night starting January 15 at 6pm! Dinner will be served at 6pm with programming to follow.
We'll have the following classes and programming available:
There will also be nursery available, as well as programming for children and youth.
There is also an option of FEASTING IN THE WORD which has resumed meeting following the Christmas break. FITW is an in-depth study of the Bible book by book, chapter by chapter, that meets weekly during the school year every Wednesday at 4pm in the Church Library. The study currently focuses on II Corinthians—right now specifically the principles of grace-giving as Paul so eloquently explains in II Corinthians, Chapters 8-9—the longest dissertation on giving in the New Testament. If you would like to participate, a packet of pre-class questions is available in the Church Office to enhance your study; however, it is not mandatory to answer the questions in advance to join us! Hope to see you there! Questions??? Contact Ree Unterspan at (904)524-6071.